The beta (β)-thalassemia community is full of individuals with unique stories to tell. But one thing the members of this community have in common is the courage to continue fighting. These are their shared experiences of endurance, inspiration, and hope.
In this together
Watch Rammeet's Story
Rammeet and her mother Pushpinder have been a team in dealing with beta-thalassemia since Rammeet was first diagnosed. From transfusions and medications to emotional support, watch how they manage the condition together as a family.
“My mom’s afraid of needles. She had to learn just for me.”
actual beta-thalassemia patient

Watch Josephine's Story
After years of feeling isolated because of her diagnosis, Josephine started a blog to help educate and spread awareness about beta-thalassemia. Hear how she uses her platform to help show others living with the condition that they’re not alone.
“Don’t be afraid to speak out. Don’t be afraid to live your life.”
actual beta-thalassemia patient

So, What Next?
Now you have more information about your thal and how it affects you in a unique way, are you ready to speak to your doctor about planning your tomorrow?
Download a copy of Setting Goals With Beta-Thalassemia to help get the conversation started.